How do I reconnect to my Wi-Fi after changing the name or password?

How do I reconnect to my Wi-Fi after changing the name or password?

If you need to change your Wi-Fi name (SSID) or password, you should be able to do so without any issue. After changing them, the controller will no longer be able to connect to the old Wi-Fi name and will start to broadcast a new Wi-Fi signal called WLED-AP. It can take up to 10 minutes for this to start broadcasting. 

Connect to new Wi-Fi name/password

  1. Go into your device Wi-Fi settings and connect to WLED-AP
  2. It should automatically open up a WLED window inside your Wi-Fi settings. Go into Wi-Fi settings, enter your information, and save.
  3. If it does not automatically open up the WLED window, go into a browser and enter into the address bar. This will take you to the WLED Wi-Fi setup.

What if there is no WLED-AP?

This usually happens because the controller is still connected to a Wi-Fi network or because you changed some settings to make it so it doesn't broadcast WLED-AP. 
  1. Verify you don't have any other router, access point, or extender broadcasting your old SSID to which the controller can connect. If you did, check again for WLED-AP.
  2. If you are still not seeing WLED-AP, the easiest solution is to turn off all your Wi-Fi routers/access points/extenders. This will force the controller to disconnect and start broadcasting the WLED-AP Wi-Fi.

    If you are still not seeing WLED-AP, you may have changed some of the controller settings so that it either hides the AP or doesn't broadcast it. 

  3. Temporarily change your Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password to what it was previously.
  4. Go into the Wi-Fi settings inside the WLED app. You may need to tap discover lights again for it to properly connect. 
  5. Scroll down and verify that Hide AP name is not checked, and that AP Opens is set to no connection after boot.
  6. Now when you change your Wi-Fi name or password, the controller should broadcast the WLED-AP and you can connect.

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